Categories: Triathlon News

British Learmouth wins the Quarteira European Cup

The cycling sector decided the test, where the British escaped and reached the T2 with almost 4 'advantage. The best Spanish was Sara Pérez in 13ª position.



La Quarteira European Cup In Portugal, it has inaugurated the ITU triathlon competitions in Europe at 2016 and as usual has been the test chosen by many Spanish triathletes triathletes to start their 2016 triathlon season. The test was conducted under Olympic distance, 1500m of swimming, 40km of cycling and 10km of running.

The victory has been for the British Jessica Learmouth, second position for his compatriot Lucy Hall and the French podium closed Leonie Periault

The starting list featured several international triathletes, such as the Irish Aileen Reid, the Brazilian Pamela Oliveira or Lucy Hall herself.

At the 14: 45 started the women's competition, swimming was very fast, the Dutch Maya Kingma, followed by the Brazilian Oliveira, arrived first at the T1. The first Spaniard to finish the swim was Marta Sánchez and Sara Pérez a few seconds behind. After the T1 two groups are formed in head, the first of Marta and the second with Sara but merge to the few kilometers of cycling in a platoon of about 20 units. Ahead they escape the British Jessica Learmouth and Lucy Hall who understood each other perfectly and arrived at the T2 with the race in their pocket, with more of 4 'on the big group where they were Sara Pérez and Marta Sánchez Back to 1 From them came another small group with Ana Mariablanca and in a third group Camila Alonso did it.

During the first kilometers of the race on foot the British run together, but mediated the Learmonuth sector stands out pore by little by reaching the finish line alone and claiming victory. After her one minute later, the other protagonist of the day, Lucy Hall and the French Leonie Periault completed the podium. As regards the Spanish women, the best was Sara Perez (13ª), followed by Marta Sanchez (19ª), Ana Mariablanca (23ª) and further back arrived Camila Alonso.

* Provisional Classifications

(Photo: Facebook Triatlo Portugal)
