Categories: Triathlon News

First measures of the special plan of the DGT to increase the safety of cyclists

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"More controls, more surveillance, more safe routes and more awareness. We take measures to protect cyclists "says interior minister Juan Ignacio Zodio

According to data from the DGT itself in 2015 there was 58 killed on the roads and more than 650 injured, whereas in what we have of 2017, 18 is the deceased (provisional data)

A few weeks ago a driver who tested positive for alcohol and in the drug test killed 3 cyclists in the Valencian town of Oliva. In addition, two other cyclists are still in serious condition. It is rare on the weekend that there are no reports of crashes against cyclists on Spanish roads, so the DGT has met this morning to draw up a safety plan for cyclists.

The road safety committee was chaired by the Minister of the Interior Juan Ignacio Zoido and also had the presence of the general director of traffic of the Ministry of the Interior Gregorio Serrano, deputy directors, AGT and civil guard.

The first information of Security plan They have been announced in the Twitter account of the DGT (@DGRes) and are:

- More safe cycling routes, awareness and surveillance campaigns.
- Application for loss of validity of driving license for repeat offenders of alcohol and other drugs.
- Upcoming new awareness campaigns on radio and television.
- They are going to signaling 49 new safe routes for cyclists that join the existing 56 already.
- The use of Comobity, the app that protects cyclists and has 21.000 users and 58.000 notices.
- Start-up of a Special Surveillance Plan with air and land means coordinated with AGT.

These are the tweets that the DGT has published

