Categories: Triathlon News

Less than 15 days for the Salamanca Distance Half Triathlon

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The next June 18 will be held in the beautiful city of Salamanca, his Medium Distance Triathlon with the maximum number of participants.

There are less than 15 days until the Salamanca Media Distance Triathlon and the test predicts a great success in this edition. With the registrations complete and closed for more than a month, it only remains to give the starting gun to start enjoying a test that is undoubtedly settling on the national scene and little by little is gaining international participation.

300 will be the runners who seek the finish line and pursue their dreams of being finisher by the waters, roads and streets of the city charra. The triathletes will be able to enjoy this great city swimming at the foot of the cathedral, and passing through the Roman bridge, the church of Santiago, Casa Lis, etc. In addition, the transition will be located on the Paseo del Progreso, next to the church of the suburb.

A swim to 2 laps, cycling sector to 4 laps and a race to fly, will decide who will be the winner of this edition and we will see if Diego Paredes o Alberto Bravo they get their second victory or they are seconded by some other competitor. Other guys to take into account will be Pakillo Fernández, Esther Leal o Alba Reguillo.

Without a doubt a test full of emotion, thought by triathletes, for triathletes, so that it is enjoyed from the first to the last, and that will not leave anyone indifferent.

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