Categories: Triathlon News

Less than a week for the II Half Triathlon Pamplona

The test has been officially presented at the Palace of the Constable


The Palace of the Condestable has been the stage where the II Edition of the Half Triathlon Pamplona - Iruña, that will take place the next 14 of May, with exit in the Swamp of Alloz and arrival in the Plaza del Castillo.

Primi Sanchez, Deputy Director of the Navarrese Institute of Sport and Youth, Maitena Muruzabal, Director of Culture, Language Policy, Education and Sport of Pamplona City Council and Patxi Martínez, President of the Navarra Triathlon Federation, attended.

The first to take the floor was Maitena Muruzabal, who renewed the City Council's commitment to an activity that "It goes beyond the purely sports to become a date in which Pamplona is also protagonist".

With all the places of participants covered, Sanchez has highlighted above all the quality and beauty of the test that "It runs through a privileged environment such as Alloz and the Old Town of Pamplona with the Plaza del Castillo as a reference".

In the same way, the Deputy Director of the INDJ, highlighted the initiative of the organizers and did not hesitate "Augur a great success to the race, which will end up consolidating in the calendar".

Finally, the new President of the FNT took the floor who, in addition to thanking the support received from institutions and sponsors, gave an account of the numbers that are hidden after the test and that represent a huge logistical effort "We are talking about a date in which 1500 people move among the 830 triathletes plus the almost 400 volunteers and other collaborators such as judges or police."

Anyway, Patxi Martínez, considered that effort good "It's not just about organizing a race, it's also a commitment to bring Pamplona and Navarra to Spain."

The Half Triathlon of Pamplona, ​​which, together with the races of Elche, Valencia and Ibiza make up the Spanish Cup of Medium Distance Triathlon, begins with a first segment of 1900 meters swimming in the waters of Alloz; and then take the bike for 85 kilometers to the Plaza del Castillo. Here will take place the last transition to the 21-kilometer foot race through the streets of the old town and its surroundings, which will conclude again at the finish line of the aforementioned Plaza Pamplona.

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