Categories: Triathlon News

Miquel Blanchart "my goal is still to be in Kona"

Miquel debuted last year at the Ironman World Championship in Kona and is clear that he will try to participate again



Since Triathlon News we have interviewed him Miqel Blanchart to assess your season during the 2015 and see what goals you have for this 2016


After the good results of Barcelona and Mallorca in 2014, your main objective for 2015 was to classify yourself as Kona. In 2015 you started in Lanzarote, where you had been 2º twice, but this time "only" you could be 4º How did the race in Lanzarote develop?

Yes, I wanted and I thought I would be ahead, but the truth is that the level of the race was very high and I underestimated it, so I gave up too much time in the cycling segment thinking that I could manage it later and it did not happen. This season I will be more cautious.

Two weeks after Lanzarote, you compete in the 70.3 in Kraichgau to continue adding points. What sensations did you have in this competition?

Not very good the truth, since I left the group swimming at the passage of the 800 thing that made me a little more nervous than normal and then the usual bike ... Ceding ground and not being able to recover almost anything in the race to foot. To say also that the level of the race was very high.

Finally, you finish this first block of the season in the "hot" IM of Frankfurt with many of the best triathletes in the world. Could you summarize this IM?

Yes, it was an Ironman where the key was just to finish it. It was a race to the KO, that is, we all knew that there would be explosions to thousands, but it was not like that and it lasted until the end. So how you got off the bike was how the final classification would be.

A few days after Frankfurt you get the classification for Hawaii in the first cut, so you can dedicate yourself better to prepare Hawaii. How were these last weeks of training?

They were the best of the season since my coach Carles Tur was holding me back during the season except the last weeks of preparation of Kona, where we were adding week after week between 30Km of 600 Swimming-800Km of Bike and a 80Km of running on foot. That's what I do and above all it gives me confidence.

About Hawaii, it was your first participation. What struck you most the previous days?

The atmosphere, and the circuit that I found it very hard, as I imagined it.

Finally you fulfill your dream of taking the start in the IM World Cup in "Mecca" Could you tell us your career there?

During the days leading up to the big event, I had already considered several times what I should do on the day of the test. I had to face it at my own pace and set myself a time in each discipline and as if competing alone because if you let yourself be carried away by emotions you can fall into a death trap.

I was well prepared in swimming so I knew I could go out with the "Pack", and I did. In the cycling segment, I decided to go at my own pace from the beginning, without making any attempt to be in the group.

Everything was fine, until I reached Km 50 approximately where I suffered a fall due to my awkwardness in a refreshment station. As I fell, I got up and went on. I think I had a good pace to Hawaii, but once I turned, the feeling of fatigue began to take center stage, I was overtaken by several units, Cunama, Kramer, etc ... But I kept calm.

They passed the kilometers and I only thought about setting foot on the ground, and it was already at Km 165 where they passed me a couple of more units, including Pedro Gómes and it was at this moment that I had my first nightmare since my legs were about to blow me up

Finally I arrived at the T2, even knowing that I had given a lot of time, I was convinced that the marathon would be something else, and I do not make a mistake without hurry but without pause I was passing corpses that the "Big Island" had claimed. I would have liked to have run with better sensations, but my hip was a bit touched from the fall. Anyway I enjoyed the race very much fulfilling my great dream.

What balance do you make of your 2015 season?

At the level of results it has not been a great season, but Kona leaves a very good taste in my mouth.

Looking to this 2016, what are your main objectives?

It's still being in Kona, but first I have a pending appointment in Lanzarote and debut in Nice.

In order to face this new season, what supports do you have?

BH, Spiuk, Etixx, Progress wheels, Rotor, Sailfish, SBR store Mataró, On running, Sabadell Swimming Club, Ars Salut, Tom Tom and Bolle "eye wear", are my main supports, to which I thank the effort they dedicate to that can face the 2016 season. Without them this would not be possible in any way.

Thank you very much Miquel, we wish you the best in this 2016, hopefully we will see you at the top of the podium of Lanzarote and in Kona again.

Thank you
