Next objective of Javier Gómez Noya: The Ironman 70.3 World Championship

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The Galician will try to get his third world title in the specialty 

Yesterday Javier Gómez Noya demonstrated its quality in medium distance tests, devastating the Challenge Prague, where your partner and friend Pablo Dapena It was second.

Gómez Noya's return to competition after the Ironman he played in Australia in June could not have had a better result: he achieved victory in the Prague Challenge, over the Ironman medium distance thanks to a new exhibition of its power in the third phase and with 30 and 35º of temperature environment which added toughness to the competition.

Noya crossed to the finish line with 6 minutes ahead of Dapena and 7 over Heemeryck. "I am very happy to have achieved victory in such a beautiful city and with so many people cheering. A lot of heat has been made, I almost do not remember the previous triathlon I did with such a high temperature. I congratulate my partner Pablo Dapena and Pieter Heemeryck for the great result they have obtained".

After this new victory, Gómez Noya will continue with his intense training plan for the great goal that will be the Hawaii Ironman in October.

Of course, before it is scheduled to compete again the September 2 in South Africa, on the occasion of World Middle Distance Championship 

Photo: Instagram Challenge Prague

