Triathlon News

The Fuente Álamo triathlon will not be held in 2022

The organization has published on its social networks the statement explaining the suspension of this year's edition.

The test that was going to take place on May 21 will not be held due to the current situation of the pandemic and is postponed to 2023.

This is the official statement:

The Vila de Fuente Álamo Intentional Triathlon is not just a sporting event.

Those who know this oldest triathlon event in Spain know that it is characterized by the complex gear of volunteers and collaborators that make it the great triathlon festival in our country.

Companionship, brotherhood and commitment support the bases of the Triathlon of triathletes and lead to the fact that, every year, a thousand triathletes from all corners of the world travel to Fuente Álamo to participate in it.

Values ​​that require exhaustive work for months that culminates with a weekend in which athletes, families, volunteers, collaborators and an entire town live and feel the triathlon.

This makes Trifuenteálamo special: It is not a test, it is a sports festival.

Unfortunately, the current conditions of the pandemic have not yet disappeared. The devastating ravages of the sixth wave do not allow us to guarantee the correct development of the Triathlon of triathletes, as we know it, in 2022.

In 2020 and 2021 we were unable to hold the test due to the pandemic and. for him, the organizing committee, together with the volunteers, main sponsors Melones El Abuelo, Caja Rural Regional and the Fuente Álamo City Council, and all the companies and entities that collaborate in this test, we hoped to be able to carry out, at last, the 31* edition of Tifuenteálamo on May 21.

“With great enthusiasm we had started working on this new edition of Tifuenteálamo, hand in hand with our main collaborators, who have always shown their trust, and to whom we always thank for their support and loyalty.

Being able to offer all, participants, volunteers, sponsors and neighbors, a new triathlon party in Fuente Álamo, was our goal, but we consider that total safety cannot yet be guaranteed to those who participate in the test, from one profile or another.

We feel devastated at having to take a step back, one more year, and not be able to celebrate the test: But we believe that the important economic and personal effort that we make each year to carry out, both by neighbors and volunteers and by collaborating institutions and companies, must continue to focus on protecting those most in need and affected by the pandemic, in addition to fighting against it

We must continue adding, among all, so that the Covid stops conditioning our lives.

“We are clear that Trfuenteálamo will return. It will return in 2023, when security is not a wish, but a reality. And he will return to the triathlon party in Spain. "

