Categories: Triathlon News

Two days for Ricardo Abad to face the UltraMallorcaMan

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The test consists of 10 km of swimming, 438 km of cycling and 84 km of running 

During the 28, 29 and 30 of April the athlete of Skechers Ricardo Abad will complete an Ultratriathlon consisting of 532 kilometers of route.

This test is part of your preparation for the Triple Ultraman in a row in which the 30 of July of this year is scheduled to participate.

The UMM consists of 3 stages over 3 days, in which participants must go through a 532k total of which 10k will be swimming, 438k by bicycle and 84,4k running, and all this in a maximum of 36 hours, where without a doubt, the participants will have to put their body and mind to the limit, in order to be able to finish it.

Day 1 March 30

The first stage consists of 10 kilometers of swimming in the port of Alcúdia in less than 6 hours and 126 kilometers of cycling

Day 2 31 March

This second stage will have to complete 312 kilometers of cycling with 4.300 m of positive elevation gain in less than 14 hours.

3 1 Day April

The third stage, the participants will travel a double marathon, that is, 84 kilometers of travel in less than 12 hours.


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