Roberto Lendaro of 57 years completes the "continuous" Decaironman of Mexico

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Roberto Lendaro has completed the 38 km of continuous swimming, 1.800 of the bike and 422 of the running race in 300 hours, 7 minutes and 33 seconds

Just a couple of weeks ago from we interviewed the Italian sportsman Roberto Lendaro, fond of spending long periods between Granada and Madrid, with the reason of his participation in the Decairoman of Mexico.

Conscious unconsciousness ... "These races are extremely physical but the mental force factor is longer and in this field I feel trained"

The athlete of 57 years, passionate about long distance, can already say that he is "FINISHER" in this hard test that consisted of the sum of 10 Ironman distance races.

"There have been two really intense sports and emotional weeks. The race was particularly difficult because I decided to participate at the last minute, so I was not properly trained, but I knew I could do it"Roberto Lendaro states.

"The Doubledeca experience and "conscious unconsciousness" did the rest. These races are extremely physical but the longer the mental strength factor enters and in this field I feel "trained".

"The course of the race was a wonderful park, but at 1.800 meters high, with extreme weather (the sweltering heat of the day and very cold and humid at night). Some sections of the bike lane had asphalt in poor condition (I punched 12 times ...). However, the environment of the race was magnificent despite the extreme conditions ... where I sometimes slept 2 hours a day. On the subject of food I was lucky, because despite being vegan there were many vegetarian dishes so I had no problem in this aspect"

What is a Decaironman?

El decaironman is an ultra-distance triathlon that is the sum of 10 distance races Ironman, that is, 3,8 km of swimming, 180 km of bike and 42,195 km running multiplied ... .by 10 ... that is to say a decaironman

  • 38 km of swimming
  • 1.800km of bike
  • 422,2 km of foot race

It can be done in two modalities: one in 10 days (a daily Ironman) or in a maximum of 14 days (doing each continuous stretch that is 38 km of continuous swim, 1800 of bike and 422 of running race.
