Categories: Triathlon News

Roger Serrano European Champion Xterra

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Roger Serrano has achieved third place in the Xterra of Germany, being the first European. Thanks to a large cycling segment and suffering on foot to maintain the podium. While Eva Garcia has been fifth 

The German city of Zittau housed a new edition of the Xterra de Germany, prove that it was Xterra European Championship. In the men's category victory has been for the current Xterra world champion, the reigning Xterra world champion, the South African Bradley Whitefollowed by New Zealander Sam Osborne and third has been Spanish Roger Serrano. In the female category the triumph was for the Hungarian Brigitta Poór, followed by the Czech Helena Karásková and vercera was the autrician Carina Wasle.

The German Jen Roth he was the first to finish the swimming segment with a time of 17:25, followed 3” behind the British Will Crudgington and third was Roger Serrano at 40” giving time to a trio together with the Italian Bozzato And French Chané. A few seconds later they got to the T1 other favorites like Osborne o Weiss.
