Triathlon News

The ETU confirms the celebration of the European Cup of triathlon in Barcelona

The European Triathlon Federation has confirmed in a release that Spain will host another Triathlon European Cup.

Although the test was already scheduled, it has now been when it has been confirmed by the European entity.

Barcelona, ​​will repeat as headquarters after last year being one of the only 2 cities that hosted a competition for the pandemic,

Last year's edition took the victory Kristian Blummenfelt and Mathilde Gautier where Javier Gómez Noya and Anna Godoy were seconds.

The test will be held within the framework of the Barcelona Triatló by Santander on October 10 and will feature the international and popular test

Good news for the Spanish triathlon that continues to add competitions in our country, a clear index of the good work of the federation and organizers.
