Categories: Triathlon News

Can you go to the field, the mountains or the mountains in Phase 2 and 3? The practice of hiking and sport in the mountains.

In Phase 2 walks and sports will no longer be limited to the municipality of residence

Since today there has been un more step in de-escalation in Spain, the provinces that were in Phase 1 have passed to Phase 2 and more than 50% of the population is already in Phase 3.

Now, with the good weather approaching, one of the novelties is that the walks and sports will not be limited to the municipality where you reside, but now they will be allowed throughout the province, island or territorial unit.

Phase 2

Walks and sports will no longer be limited to the municipality of residence and you can move throughout the province, island or territorial unit provided that the security measures e hygiene and minimum safety distance of 2 meters.

This means that they will be able to go anywhere in their province to carry out trekking, sport, country walks o nature tourism.

Groups of 20 people are allowed and natural parks open up to 20% and cable cars 50%.

Phase 3

In this phase, Phase 2 activities are eased a bit more

allowed groups up people 30, respecting the safety and hygiene measures.

