We raffle a dorsal for Challenge Madrid relays!

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Are you passionate about swimming, cycling or running but you still do not have a long distance?

Are you trying to convince a friend to do another modality but you can not make the team?

Triathlon News It makes it easy for you!

Thanks to the collaboration agreement with CHALLENGE MADRID this summer we draw a number of RELEVOS.

Between the 3 that I like the most of each modality the winners will be taken out and once the names and confirmations are received, from TRIATLON NEWS, we will put you in contact so you can collect your race number as a team and share this great experience

You dare? Challenge Madrid will take place on September 24. 

To participate you will only have to follow the next steps. Do not forget to include the modality of the three that you would like to do and Share, Share and Share!

  1. Put your data
  2. Tell us the segment you want to make and upload a picture of yourself practicing the sport you want to do in the test
  3. Share to be voted on

