Categories: Triathlon News

Video presentation of the "Rompepiernas" Triathlon in Cádiz. The BIORACER Triathlon Janda and Sierra

The test goes through the Alconorcales natural park, a tough and demanding circuit that will be key in the race

We already have the official video that the organization has launched to promote the first edition of the test that will be held next July in the province of Cádiz

The BIORACER MD AND OLIMPICO JANDA AND SIERRA Triathlon is organized by  and the format of middle distance, in San José del Valle, where a test will also be held in Olympic distance.

The circuits



A few weeks ago we published the test routes, where you will swim in the Gualdacacín Reservoir, the largest in Andalusia, near the José del Valle Camping , as the nerve center of the test.

The cycling sector, of 85 km of route, will go bordering the reservoir and will cross the natural park of the Alconorcales, with a circuit "Rompepiernas and demanding.

The hardest part will be through the Poblado de los Hurones where you will go through Puerto Gáliz with maximum ramps of 15% to continue towards San José del Valle where the 21 km race will begin.

The appointment will be held next July 27, where the registration process is already open.

Further information:
