Categories: Triathlon News

In classic Posadas Triathlon reaches its XXV edition

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The Cordovan town of posadas will host for the thirtieth time one of the oldest tests of the national calendar, where this year highlights the change of dates, going to celebrate the September 22.

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The Posadas triathlon has two competitions, the Desafío Posadas de Media Distancia triathlon that meets its VII edition and the Califas de Hierro sprint distance triathlon that reaches the XXX edition.

El Challenge posadas will start with the 1.900 swimming meters to a turn in the dam of the Pantano de la Breña, in Almodóvar del Río.

Later the triathletes will cover 90 km de Cycling in a route . fast, divided into two parts, a first link between the T1 in the Pantano de la Breña to the town of posadas and the second, a circuit of four laps until completing the 90 km and arriving the T2 located in Posadas. Much of the segment runs along the river Guadalquivir.

Finally the 21km of running will be 4 turns to a circuit of 5,25 km crossing in each of them a large part of the town of posadas, where the audience is delivered to the participants, encouraging them at all times.

LAST MINUTE: Ruzafa will be at the XXV Posadas Triathlon
