5 things to avoid in feeding an athlete

Train hard and eat with intelligence and you will get the results you are looking for.

Our collaborator Victory Endurance tells us this time what are the most common mistakes made by an athlete in his diet.

You can be a good runner with a poor diet, but you can certainly become an excellent runner if your diet is of good quality.

Train hard and eat smart and you will get the results you want. Here I expose the most common mistakes of runners when it comes to eating.

1.- You do not recognize the importance of nutrition

Too many athletes on all those who run that they completely neglect the feeding, And this is not bad if you only want to run once in a while, without marking time, without improving, and also without caring about the impact this has on your health. But if your goal is to be faster, more agile, improve race times, improve endurance, and also take care of your health so that later you can continue running, then nutrition is the missing ingredient in your runner pack.

In every athlete, the needs for both energy and nutrients increase, and the good choice of the foods you eat is vital to continue maintaining quality fuel and so that physical wear and tear does not pose any health problem.

2.- Drinking alcohol

Do you usually drink alcohol after all the workouts? One, two, even four beers do not hurt anyone!

But they can, especially because studies have shown that Drinking alcohol after exercise can affect muscle glycogen recovery and with it the adequate repair of the muscles. Also depending on the amount can dehydrate you, and after any workout what your body needs is good hydration.

3.- Do not eat before a workout

Is essential recharge muscular glycogen stores before exercise to be able to perform better, reduce fatigue and also avoid possible hypoglycaemia leading to dizziness.

Of course, it will depend on the intensity and duration of exercise, but the latest studies show that the essential macronutrients are carbohydrates along with proteins. The combination of these increases both muscle protein synthesis and performance, due to the energy supplied by carbohydrates.

Sometimes it is complicated to prepare snacks or meals that have to be done before training because it usually goes after work, and for that our bar Nature's Energy Bar It is an ideal option, an energy bar with 45% fruit and 20% oats that will provide you with the energy you need for training.

4.- Wait too long after the exercise to eat

A topic that generates much controversy, however, recover after having completed the exercise becomes more and more important especially if you train several times a week or even 2 times a day. Studies show that the perfect combination is fast assimilating carbohydrates + lean proteinsSince at this time insulin sensitivity is doubled, that is, the result will be more stored glycogen. Therefore, you have more energy when you go to perform the next training session and you recover sooner, essential if what you are looking for is to improve performance. The glycogen stores and the availability of amino acids in the blood will be the keys to the best recovery, something that is achieved if our diet is well planned after training.

Anyway, after longer or more intense sessions some runners lose their appetite, and eating solids is a challenge. Smoothies or even sports drinks are good options.

One option for post-workout is a protein shake with fruit, for example: Isolate Crystal Whey + Pineapple + coconut milk

Or the Total Recovery which is a correct proportion of quality protein (isolated from whey protein) + carbohydrates.

5.- Eat few fats

If you are avoiding all kinds of fats because you do not want to gain weight it is a big mistake. Eating fats from the diet is not necessarily equal to increasing body fat.

Fats (especially healthy) They are essential as they help the body absorb vitamins such as A, D, E and K. As well as increase satiety since they take longer to be digested, thus regulating blood sugar levels. They help digestion, regulate metabolism, and lower blood cholesterol.

I'm not talking about the fats of the bakeries, or animal proteins, or butter. I'm talking about the Avocados, Fish, nuts, olive oils y seeds. Make sure you consume a ratio of at least 25% fat from your daily calories.

Try to make small changes and one at a time, you will realize that in the long term you will get more and more results and the effort will have been completely worth it.

More information: https://www.tiendaweider.es/
