Homemade isotonic drink

This week in our section of sport Nutrition we leave you a recipe so that you can make your own isotonic drinks at home, and that has been created by our collaborator specialized in nutrition Sandra Sardina.

The base of the isotonic drink will be water, we will add the other ingredients while stirring and that's it. The best temperature to drink an isotonic is about 15 degrees centigrade, so be careful with adding cubes, because it can be too cold and at the same time we dissolve the preparation and in this way we will obtain a hypotonic drink.

Nutritional composition of 100cc.

20 kcal, 5g of carbohydrates, 77 mg of Na, 71 mg of K and 6mg of Mg


  • 400cc of juice natural fruit (strained), ripe mango and papaya is a good choice.
  • 20g of fructose
  • 1 teaspoon of coffee common salt  (2g)
  • 600cc of water

