Different types of collagen

The proteins provide us with their digestion the amino acids that then the blood is offered to the different tissues of the body to form them first and then go repairing their wear.




Our collaborator Amlsport tells us in this article what are the differences between the different types of collagen that we can find in the market

The tendons (that support the joints) as the cartilage and the organic matrix of the bone are proteins, specifically COLLAGEN. With their digestion, proteins provide us with amino acids that the blood then offers to the different tissues of the body to form them first and then repair their wear.

There are people with problems that have been recommended to take shark cartilage or marine collagen. It is correct and, although it is not a tease, it is a "pocket prank".

Why? Because when you are offered that product, you will never know if it is shark, hake, or spines, scales and skin of fish, or of species of low economic value (trash) and they charge it as if it were a shark in the case of "cartilage" of shark. "

Keep in mind that all collagens are practically the same; that's why they can be injected into the lips without rejection and, in addition, collagen is a protein that fibroblasts and chondrocytes manufacture and take out of the cell. That is, it is a secretion and, consequently, those fibers that are outside the cell do NOT have DNA from the nucleus and therefore can not be identified as belonging to this or that animal.

Simply explained, when we take collagen from terrestrial or marine animals, being the protein alone, our organism does not differentiate if that collagen is of marine or terrestrial animal origin and absorbs either of the two in the same way. It is important to know that the benefits of collagen do not depend on the species from which it is extracted, what is important is that it is hydrolyzed so that it can be digested.

Hydrolyzation is a process in which fat and unwanted materials are removed and amino acids remain, which is what interests us in collagen. With this process the collagen is pre-digested (the protein is broken into smaller parts (amino acids) that are possible to digest). So it is necessary that collagen is always hydrolyzed.

On the other hand, vegetable gelatins are NOT proteins, because although they have the same appearance as collagens, they are pectins; that is, carbohydrates. 

Further information:  http://www.amlsport.com/
