Nutrition for triathlon: discover the 4R's of Triathlon

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They are known as hydration (rehydrate), recovery (recover), filling (replenish) and rest (rest).

Our collaborator Nutrisport tells us in this article a series of scientific evidences and they bring us the 4 Endurance R's, indispensable in nutrition for triathlon

All set once again (for the first time or not), no matter what you have been swimming, pedaling or running. Nor does it matter which numbers you have lost in the middle of the race, or which you have framed, or which are yet to be framed. Another season begins. Once again, Nutrisport at the service of your nutritional needs, so that you meet your goals without lowering performance and are clear about nutrition for triathlon.

With more than 30 years of experience professional in sports nutrition, in NutriSport they are constantly innovating and betting on triathlon nutrition with excellent quality and safety standards. If you swim, run or pedal, we wait for you at the finish!

The 4 R's of the Endurance

Next we collect the scientific evidence to date, and we bring you the 4 R's of endurance, essential in nutrition for triathlon. These 4 R's are known as hydration (rehydrate), recovery (recover), filling (replenish) and rest (rest).

Replenish - Fill muscle energy reserves.

The sport of resistance is characterized by the use of glycogen together with fats as the main fuel to give us energy. So the levels of muscle glycogen It is a determining factor for optimal performance. Keep them Muscle energy reserves (glycogen levels) in optimal conditions is achieved with an adequate nutritional guideline, favoring the presence of snacks rich in complex carbohydrates, combining them with a small proportion of proteins.

In addition, to optimize the filling of these reserves we must follow a correct fluid intake (water essentially) throughout the day.

Recover - Recover after the training.

The recovery of the energy reserves of the muscle, as well as of the muscular tissue itself, takes Special importance to achieve the desired performance and that each training be effective. Reset parameters that have been altered due to strenuous physical exercise, and so on optimize adaptations to physical exerciseor, it is one of the key factors during the Preseason.

The use of a recovery shake as STRESSNUTRIL, will be of great help to favor the correct recovery, avoid possible injury or cramps Muscle and improve performance!

Rest - Night rest.

The period of night rest it is the moment when the adaptations to the trainings will be developeds, either positively or negatively. So, to face a new training in optimal conditions, will be conditioned by the adaptations that are achieved. Procure a proper sleep hygiene, maintaining an organized structure in terms of schedules, and environment prior to falling asleep, are points to take into account to get the most out of night sleep.

Rehydrate - Follow good practices of hydration.

A state of slight dehydration can suppose a ddeterioration in body thermoregulation capacity, and increase the risk of occurrence of heat hits, premature fatigue or a increased effort perception together with an alteration in the control of the motor system. In addition, the expense of muscle energy reserves is increased, favoring the appearance of muscle ramps.

Follow one correct hydration pattern throughout the day, and especially in the pre, during and post training, with the help of isotonic drinks such as SPORT DRINK ISO POWDER, is a key factor for the success of each test or training and a perfect nutrition supplement for triathlon.

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Bibliographic references:

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