What are the most important nutrients to avoid joint problems?

Certain nutrients can help prevent their deterioration, relieve pain and even rejuvenate them.




Our collaborator AML Sport, does not count in this article that nutrients can help us prevent the deterioration of the joints.

A total of 206 bones make up the skeleton and have a triple mission: to support, protect and allow movement with muscles and ligaments. The wear and tear of the joints makes it inevitable that they suffer wear to a greater or lesser extent. But certain nutrients can help prevent spoilage, relieve pain, and even rejuvenate them.


It constitutes the 38% of the total protein of the human body. It forms bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments, which means that all skeletal protein is collagen. The monomers or simple molecules of collagen leave gaps in which the calcium phosphate is placed in the bones and the chondroitin sulfate in the joints; The tendons are parallel bundles of collagen. Collagen is the only protein in which the 60% of the amino acids that compose it are: glycine, proline and lysine. Collagen provides flexibility to the bone, and consequently that bone without collagen can not deform and breaks easily. If we want our body to form it, the ideal is to take collagen as a supplement.


Involved in the formation of all proteins in the human body. When Magnesium is lacking, the tissues are not regenerated to the correct extent, causing wear on the cartilage, weakening of the tendons and a lack of an organic matrix in the bones, which is what gives rise to osteoporosis. The amount recommended as a supplement, ranges from 300 to 450 milligrams-day, divided into at least two meals. It is important to know the differences between the types of magnesium that we find in the market to know what we should take.


The amount of this element in the human body is approximately three quarts of a kilo. Of this amount, between the 70-75% is in the bones, the rest is used by the organism in the molecules that donate chemical energy by hydrolysis. An 25% of the phosphate found in the skeleton is interchangeable with that in the serum: if the diet does not provide the necessary for the proper functioning of the body's metabolism, the skeleton yields this element, impoverishing the bones in it. The decrease in bone phosphate leads to calcium, so a diet low in phosphorus also leads to osteoporosis. The phosphorus provided by food is in the form of lecithin.

Hyaluronic acid: 

This substance is abundant in the synovial fluid (reduces friction between cartilage). It is convenient to inject it, not ingest it. Since once digested it will turn into sugar just like taking any starch. For this reason in medicine they always apply it in injections, because by putting it directly in that place, we have not destroyed it in the process of digestion.

Further information:  http://www.amlsport.com/
