Types of Victory Endurance Gels and when to take them

The gels are designed to replace the carbohydrate stores that are depleted during exercise, when we use gels the effect is not immediate at the muscular level because when glucose appears in our blood, the one that benefits is the brain, that is , it will help the mind to feel energized.

Our partner Victory Endurance tells us in this article when we have to take each gel and what they are for.

Not long ago athletes based their hydration and energy replacement only with water and isotonic drinks. Fortunately, science has evolved and we now have a large number of products to choose from, each designed to improve performance during training and competitions where energy gels are one of the best options.

Our body uses carbohydrates as a source of fuel, and the problem is that we can only store a limited amount in our muscles, even when it has been previously loaded. 

The gels are designed to replenish carbohydrate deposits that are depleted during exercise, when we use gels the effect is not immediate at the muscular level because when glucose appears in our blood, the one that benefits is the brain, that is, it will help the mind to feel energized.

What types of gels are there?

Slow absorption:

Those that have a mixture of simple and complex carbohydrates that come from different sources such as fructose (intermediate absorption), dextrose (fast) and sucrose (fast). Example: Energy Up gel.


Intermediate absorption:

They provide energy quickly (dextrose and maltodextrin) and good stability of blood glucose during exercise in the medium term (fructose).

With Bcaa's or other amino acids: essential to avoid muscle wasting, in addition combat the feeling of fatigue. Some contain Taurine which can relieve cramps, muscle pain and fatigue in endurance sports. Example: Energy Boost gel.


With caffeine:

An ideal supplement to improve performance due to its capacity to delay central fatigue. Example: Energy Boost gel + Caffeine ó Energy Up with Caffeine.

Fast absorption: 

They provide immediate energy to the body. They can be made of glucose, dextrose, sucrose or maltodextrin. Example: Hydro Energy gel.

They provide other benefits: in addition to providing energy, some gels have certain ingredients that they get the athlete to get the maximum performance. For example, him Pump gel It contains polyphenols that have antioxidant and vasodilator action, protecting the body from oxidative stress, and allowing a greater transport of oxygen and nutrients to the muscle.

How to use them?

The ideal time to take gels is very individual, however, there are certain parameters to guide us to make better use of them.

Have tested in training the consumption of gels, Never try for the first time in the competition.

30-60g of carbohydrates per hour is recommended, including 90 g in activities over 3 hours. That is to say, you can take the first gel at the 45-60 minutes.

For every gram of ingested carbohydrates we should eat around 10 parts of water, that is, if a gel contains 30g of carbohydrates, we must accompany it with 300ml of water, However, there are gels that have a higher proportion of water to avoid so much fluid intake during exercise. Example: Hydro Energy gel.

How often do you take them?

The recommendable thing is take them every 45-60 minutes. The speed at which you are able to digest and process the gels plays an important role in the frequency with which you must take them, so you must be careful not to overload the stomach.

The other aspect to keep in mind is that You can train your gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if you consume gels in training, especially at fixed intervals as you do in competition, your body will learn to tolerate more gels.

More information: https://www.tiendaweider.es/
