Categories: Compexpromotrinews

Do you want to improve your results in training and competition?



The next Saturday 23 day from 10.30 to 12.30 will take place at IRONSPORT (Sector Literatos 28-29 in Tres Cantos - Madrid) the COMPEX TRAINING DAY

This activity is free for all followers of Triathlon News. To sign up you will only have to send an email to and we will validate your registration, but hurry because there are only 20 seats available.





Muscular electrostimulation is an essential complement in the training of the triathlete. Thanks to a careful preparation and with the permanent advice of Compex's technical advisors - the triathlete will be able to exploit his physical potential.


The muscle electrostimulation (EEM) has become an essential component of training for the vast majority of athletes. It consists of the electrical stimulation of the motor nerve, so that the impulse that leads to excite the muscle does not come from the brain but from an electrical impulse. This excitation of the motor nerve causes the contraction of the muscle, improving its capacity to generate strength and resistance to continuous stimulation.

The great variety of programs of electrostimulators Compex, Powered Muscle IntelligenceTM, they adapt to the needs of each sport practice. In particular, the most used programs in the training of the triathlete are: aerobic resistance, for medium and low training rhythms; the strength resistance, for high workouts and the force, for more swimming and pedaling power.


All this will be perfectly explained and detailed next Saturday 23 during the COMPEX TRAINING DAY where Triathlon News invites you to participate, and if you already have it, come and solve all your doubts.


20 places available, to register:

About COMPEX: / en_US /
