Categories: Cycling news

2.500 cyclists demand respect for the weakest and a change in legislation

They demanded more respect for the weakest collectives on the roads as well as a change in the Penal Code to toughen punishments. 

About 2.500 cyclists have gathered in Riudoms (Tarragona) to honor Esteban and Ignacio, who they were run over a week ago when they were cycling, but also for remember all cyclist victims and those injured in road accidents, and to demand more respect for the weakest collectives on the roads as well as a change in the Penal Code to toughen penalties.

During the parliaments they have made twoHeartfelt and very emotional interventions of the daughters of the two cyclists who lost their lives just 3 km from their home, and former professional cyclists have also spoken Àngel Edo Joaquim “Purito” Rodríguez qwho have urged the political parties “to put the batteries and change a Law that has been shown to be obsolete", Also asking" society to stand alongside those who ask for a Just Law. "

The delegate of the Generalitat de Catalunya in Tarragona, Òscar Peris, has also intervened, who has stated that the regional government is sensitive to the cause of cyclists, the mayor of Riudoms, Josep Maria Cruset, and the president of the Catalan Cycling Federation , Joaquim Vilaplana, who has highlighted in his parliament "the impotence of the cycling collective that today is concentrated in the face of accidents like last weekend", in addition to demanding "a fairer law to judge these homicides, and immediately since this cause cannot be delayed any longer ”. On the other hand, the general secretary of the Association of Professional Cyclists, the lawyer Alfonso Triviño, who has declared that “we want the maximum penalty that is now in four years to be raised to six and if there is more than one victim, it rises to nine years in prison ”.

Later, the slow march began to kilometer 8 of the T310 road, where the unfortunate accident occurred, at which point, with the presence of the relatives, countless jerseys have been put on the guardrails in memory of Esteban and Ignacio. and different floral offerings have been made in moments of maximum respect and emotion ..

From Triathlon News we work to try to raise awareness among cyclists and drivers trying to inform about good behavior and the regulations to avoid these tragic news.

Then we leave a series of links where various scenarios are shown and how to act before them

How does a group of cyclists on the road have to circulate?

This way you DO NOT have to overtake a cyclist, we tell you how to do it Share!

Map of the black spots for cyclists in Spain

How to overtake a cyclist when there is a continuous line?

How to overtake a cyclist if another approaches from the front

Comobity the APP of the DGT for the safety of drivers, cyclists and pedestrians

How to overtake a cyclist? We present 3 different situations

Do you know the regulation that you have to follow the accompanying car of a group of cyclists?

First measures of the special plan of the DGT to increase the safety of cyclists

The new information panels of the Cyclists Safety Plan

Source: / esciclismo photo
