Categories: Cycling news

Arrested a man of 60 years two months after run over a cyclist and run away

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An investigation has allowed the National Police and the Local Police of Huesca to locate the vehicle, with organic remains of the victim on the windshield, and arrest the driver 

According to the Heraldo newspaper, a joint investigation by the National Police and the Huesca Local Police has allowed to stop a driver of 60 years who ran over a cyclist, of 50, both neighbors of the capital of Huesca, and he fled, leaving him on the road unconscious.

As reported by the police station, as a result of the impact, the cyclist was lying on the road, being later sighted by two other cyclists who requested health care. Immediately a police device was established, locating a van parked on a public road with damage and signs compatible with those of an accident.

 This vehicle was subjected to an inspection, collecting organic remains on the windshield that were analyzed in the laboratory, determining that they corresponded to the rolled cyclist.

The investigation has lasted two months, since it has been it is necessary to wait for the analysis to complete to confirm that the remains in the car corresponded to the victim of the hit. Police sources indicated that, although the vehicle was dented, the conclusive data was that of the laboratory. 

The events occurred on June 1, on the road that connects Huesca and the town of Chimillas, when the cyclist was hit by a van traveling in the opposite direction, "at an excessive speed and invading the opposite area of ​​circulation," according to the Police.

The author of the abuse The 1 day of August was stopped by injury crimes y Failure to provide relief. He is at liberty with charges.

According to the National Police, the Criminal Code provides for imprisonment from 6 to 18 months for those people who, having accidentally caused an accident, do not help the victim who is helpless and in manifest and serious danger. These prison sentences increase to 4 years of imprisonment in case the accident is due to imprudence.

From Triathlon News we work to try to raise awareness among cyclists and drivers trying to inform about good behavior and the regulations to avoid these tragic news.

Then we leave a series of links where various scenarios are shown and how to act before them

How does a group of cyclists on the road have to circulate?

This way you DO NOT have to overtake a cyclist, we tell you how to do it Share!

Map of the black spots for cyclists in Spain

How to overtake a cyclist when there is a continuous line?

How to overtake a cyclist if another approaches from the front

Comobity the APP of the DGT for the safety of drivers, cyclists and pedestrians

How to overtake a cyclist? We present 3 different situations

Do you know the regulation that you have to follow the accompanying car of a group of cyclists?

First measures of the special plan of the DGT to increase the safety of cyclists

The new information panels of the Cyclists Safety Plan

Photo: National Police
