Cycling news

The heartbreaking message of denunciation of a cyclist hit in Madrid on World Bicycle Day

David was hit by a car during the cycling rally in a central Madrid street.

We echo this news published by 20 Minutes, where they collect the testimony of David, an urban cyclist which was rolled up in the heart of Madrid, in a Cyclist concentration on the day of the bicycle.

World Bicycle Day ended with a serious scare for David, a cyclist used to going around the city of Madrid and who He wanted to claim the day with a march through the streets of the capital.

When he was going down Bravo Murillo street, a car hit him and he fled, leaving him lying there.

It was he himself who has shared the event on their social networks, in a totally heartbreaking way: filming a video from the same stretcher in which an ambulance picked him up to take him to Hospital La Paz.

This is his full testimony, which he shared in a thread on twitter:

In Madrid, 1378 bicycle users have suffered an accident this year

Only so far this year, as of April 28 and according to the website for this purpose of the Madrid City Council, 138 bicycle users have been involved in traffic accidents

