Categories: Cycling news

Puerta del Sol will host a cyclist rally for the “Respect” campaign. No + Dead Cyclists. #ForAFairLaw”

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This next domungo 28 of May will be held different concentrations throughout Spain to request measures to ensure the safety of cyclists

From the Spanish Cycling Federation, the Triathlon, their respective territorial and numerous cycling groups, we are informed that next Sunday 28 from May to 11 in the morning, different concentrations throughout Spain promoted in order to request measures to ensure the safety of cyclists, a demand for justice and more after the recent tragic events of recent weeks.

In Madrid, the Madrid Triathlon and Cycling Federations call for such concentration in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid, where there will be a minute of silence, a manifesto will be read and all bicycle lovers will come together to ask NO MORE ATTACKED CYCLISTS AND MUTUAL RESPECT ON THE ROAD.

From Triathlon News we join and we invite you to participate in it, stressing the importance of not only being aware of our vulnerability but knowing that the strength of our unity and mutual support is essential for get changes in current legislation and what is fundamental, changes in the mindset of drivers. Friends, relatives, athletes, we are all invited to join us in this important event.

All of them will be agglutinated under the same motto "I respect. No + Dead Cyclists. #ForAFairLaw”

We are waiting for you at the DOOR OF THE SUN IN MADRID ON SUNDAY 28 FROM MAY TO LAS 11h.
