Categories: Cycling news

Sanctions faced by a cyclist

Sometimes we do not know what are the sanctions that a cyclist faces when he does not comply with the Spanish circulation regulations.



The company tells us in this article what are the sanctions that cyclists face when any of the traffic laws of our country is violated.

The first thing to keep in mind is that, as a cyclist, there are a series of sanctions that we can face if we do not comply with the legislation that's why we show you some of the most important to know what are the correct behaviors in the use of the bicycle.

Circular on urban road in the lane most located on the right. If there is, you can also drive on lanes for bicycles.

Respect the signage and road markings, and especially pedestrian crossings and traffic lights, since, beyond semaphore In the red phase, in addition to the inherent danger that it entails for safety, it is sanctioned with a fine of 200 euros.

It is forbidden to ride a bicycle with alcohol rates exceeding 0,25 mg / l of expired air or 0,5 g / l of blood with fines ranging from 500 to 1000 euros.

Mandatory use of helmet for all minors of 16 years and in the event of traveling on interurban roads, the obligation extends to all publics. Being the sanction of 200 €, for which the parents or legal guardians will have to respond financially, in case the minors are sanctioned.

Circular using cases or headphones it also carries a penalty of 200 €.

If a cyclist does not respect a stop, you may face a penalty of 150 €

The indenization by running over a pedestriann can reach the figure of 10.000 €

Circular in the opposite lane is prohibited and is sanctioned between 150 and 500 €

Finally, it is essential to see us at night, placing front and rear position lights, rear catadrioptic and, may have catadrioptics in the spokes of the wheels and pedals. Also, when the use of lighting is mandatory, bicycle drivers must wear some reflective garment that allows drivers and other users to distinguish them at a distance of 150 meters, if we travel by interurban route. Sanctions up to 200 €


Circling the bike lane

Un bike lane, it is a cyclist route that runs adjacent to the road, in a single or in a double sense; the protected bike lane is one that is provided with lateral elements that physically separate it from the rest of the road, as well as the sidewalk

Una sidewalk-bike, is the bicycle path signposted on the sidewalk

Una track bike, which is the segregated cyclist route of motorized traffic, with independent route of the roads

Una cycling path, which is the road for pedestrians and cycles, segregated from motorized traffic, and which runs through open spaces, parks, gardens or forests.

In the lanes reserved for bicycles, it is forbidden to stop and park the rest of the vehicles.

When the driver of a bicycle circulates on a bicycle, a pass for cyclists or a shoulder duly authorized for the exclusive use of bicycle drivers will have a passing preference with respect to the rest of the vehicles.

Transport of the bike in the car

In the world of cycling and triathlon it is common transport the bicycle in the vehicleor, but there are some aspects that must be taken into account in this transport.

The driver must maintain his own freedom of movement, the Necessary field of vision and the permanent attention to driving, therefore, we must hold the load well, using existing systems to that effect, such as an indoor bike rack, on the roof, in the boot, on the tailgate, or by means of a trailer.



If it moves in the tailgate lighting devices can not be hidden under any circumstances or of light signaling, compulsory plates or devices and manual warnings. The bicycle must be signaled by means of the v-20 signal, not being able to protrude through the sides of the vehicle (the total width of the car is measured between rear-view mirrors).

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Photo: diarioburgos, youtube, Motorpasión
