Cycling news

The Tour will denounce the spectator who caused the crash in the first stage

She is suspected of being German and is currently missing.

Yesterday the Tour de Francia with two falls, one massive caused by a spectator with a banner and another at 5 kilometers from the finish line.

The first was at kilometer 43 when a fan with a banner that had the message 'allez opi omi', (a mix between French and German “let's go grandpa and grandma”) who was looking at the bike on TV and not at the peloton, he drove with Tony Martin causing a massive crash of the peloton.

According to Ouest-France, the director of the Tour de France Christian Prudhomme, has taken legal action and will denounce the spectator.

She is suspected of being German from the poster but is currently missing.

The second fall was just 5 kilometers from the finish line and at high speed. Several participants were also involved, including Chris Froome y Richi porte
