Cycling news

Traps for cyclists in the Casa de Campo in Madrid

They consisted of irons with sharp points, joined by silicone at the base, so that the tips were always upwards

According to the website iberobike, a group of cyclists have returned to find traps placed on a road in the Casa de Campo of Madrid.

They have found them in the Sacred Heart area in the middle of Casa de Campo.

The latest news we had about this type of action in Madrid was in 2017 also in the Casa de Campo, where after the complaint of several cyclists, the Police withdrew the cycling traps, consisting of some tapes with several fastened woods and nails that they went through them, in order to cause the punctures of mountain bikers.

Now these traps are different as they consist of a few irons with sharp points, joined by silicone at the base, so that the tips are always up with the aim of puncturing the wheels of the cyclists.

We regret this type of action against cyclists and we hope that they will not find this type of cheating that puts the safety of athletes at risk.
