Cycling news

A drunk and drugged 22 driver runs over, flees and kills a cyclist in Maresme

The young man who has tested positive for alcohol and drugs and has fled the scene of the accident

A 52-year-old man who was cycling home after leaving work has died last Saturday from a car.

It all happened when it was rammed by a vehicle driven by a young man who has given positive in alcohol and drugs and that he has fled the place, in Palafolls (Maresme).

Sources of the Local Police of Palafolls have reported that the fatal accident occurred around 06,30:682 this Saturday on the B-XNUMX road, at the end of this town.

According to, the 22-year-old driver could have been subsequently arrested in Blanes (Selva) by local police officers, who have verified that the car had traces of yogurt on the hood, a product brought by the run-over cyclist.

He was driving with his head out of the vehicle

In addition, the young man was driving slowly through Blanes, with his head out of the vehicle and his mirrors broken.

The driver has tested positive for alcohol and drugs and is charged with the reckless homicide offenses, omission in relief duty and against road safety, and is expected to go to court in the next few hours.
