Cycling news

Can you go in a group by bike in Phase 1 and 2?

The Spanish Cycling Federation has published its interpretation

Today, May 25, the new order that regulates non-professional sports and walks in Phases 1 and 2.

The whole country is from today at least in phase 1 of the de-escalated. 53% of Spaniards are in this phase, with Madrid, Barcelona and Castilla y León incorporated, and the rest of the country goes to phase 2

Fourth additional provision.

Flexibility measures for the movement of the child population and the practice of non-professional physical activity.

The limitations provided for in articles 3.1 of the Order shall not apply to the movement of the child population and to the practice of non-professional physical activity. SND / 370/2020, of April 25, and 2.3 of the Order SND / 380/2020April 30,

La Spanish Cycling Federation published yesterday on its website, a release explaining what is allowed in terms of cycling from today.

They specify that is an interpretation of the different orders issued by the Official State Gazette in recent weeks, so does not suppose any official binding information. 

The RFEC issued this release for informational purposes to the cycling community.

Can you shoot in a group?

SI, But respecting the distance measures and if it cannot, it will have to be used mask

“Physical activity may be practiced outdoors in groups of up to 10-15 people (depending on the phase), But keeping the safety distance and, in case this cannot be respected, you must wear a mask.” Exposes the statement

In phase 1 the number allowed is up to 10 people and in phase 2 up to 15 Recommended Safe Space by bicycle

Can federated people move in Phase 1 and 2?

SI, Federated athletes may continue moving to carry out your workouts, if necessary, to those natural spaces (within their province) where they must carry out their sports activity.

Can non-federated people leave the municipality where they reside in Phase 1 and 2?

DO NOT. Non-federated athletes they can only do it in their municipality.

The time slots in which sports activity can be carried out once a day in the open air remain the same: between 6 and 10 hours and between 20 and 23 hours.

The autonomies can modify these strips.

The group of professional athletes, DAR and DAN have no time limits to carry out their training.

