Plantar fascistis treatment

La Plantar fasciitis is an acute inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis of the foot that runs from the calcaneus to the metatarsal area.




La Plantar fasciitis It usually manifests with pain in the heel or midfoot. The function of this aponeurosis or plantar fascia is to maintain the plantar arch and absorb the impact against the ground during loading.

Our collaborator Fisiopinar Clinic tells us in this article how is the process to recover from this injury.

It is very common in athletes, especially runners. It can be caused by a repetition of abnormal movements, by inadequate footwear, by overtraining or excess load or by an abnormality in the biomechanics of the foot, such as a flat foot, cavus, valgus ...

The main thing, even before the injury appears, would be to make a study of the footprint in which the podiatrist will see if it is necessary to modify with templates the way in which we step.

Calcaneal spur : calcifications are often created in the back and internal part of the calcaneus that can cause pain such as fasciitis. The treatment would be the same, but surgery is more common in these cases.


Stretching of the plantar fascia

We can perform at home, we traded the toes upwards until we notice that the plantar arch is tensed. Keep 10 / 15 seconds and repeat 3 series of 10 repeats.

Another home stretch would be to roll tennis ball or bottle of frozen water all over the sole of the foot from the toes to the heel.


Hyperthermia helps us improve the tissue and improve inflammation.

Eccentric Stretches:

For calves and soleus, do not forget that the plantar aponeurosis is an extension of the triceps surae.

Deep and fascial massage:

To help the adequate disposition of the collagen fibers and the rupture of fibrous bridges between them.

Shock waves :

In more complicated cases it helps us to cure chronic fasciitis of more than one year with pain in the heel.


Functional bandage:

To cushion and help the fascia to perform its function without suffering overload.

Infiltrations with corticosteroids:

Our orthopedic surgeon will assess it in case of acute or complicated cases

And if everything fails?

If the treatment fails, surgical treatment will be carried out.

The most important thing is to educate runners who are the main sufferers of this pathology, of prevention by warming up and stretching before and after and using insoles if necessary.

Once established, we recommend going to our specialist soon, since fasciitis can become a difficult to treat and long-lasting injury. 

Further information:


There are no previous results.

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