Pain in the hamstrings? we answer you how to treat it
Our collaborator David Serra answers the question that one of our readers sent us:
I feel a hamstring problem as if it were a contracture, I have done all kinds of tests, even to detect possible compression of the sciatic, being its normal parameters, I have been treated in Fisio in many times and the discomfort persists.
David Serra Responds:
I don't know what treatment you have been given, but I would advise you to stop stretching your hamstrings for a while and strengthen your quadriceps through bike and some very light weights.
It is also good that you keep running though without doing high quality sessions and not doing more than 3 sessions per week of running. The massages can help you after the sessions of stronger training but what surely would go very well is to perform Tecartherapy in the whole lower limb.
As usual David Serra TN collaborator in the section of TRIFISIO responds to the inquiries of our readers.
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