Volcano Triathlon
Articles on injuries and sports physiotherapy

The importance of intranasal hydration in sports performance

All athletes may have intranasal dryness at any given time



Dr Franchek Drobnic Head of the Department of Sports Research. In the CAR of Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona) he tells us in this interview the importance of intranasal hydration in the athlete's performance.


Can it be said that good breathing improves the performance of the athlete?

Of course. Performance depends on the respiratory chain and muscle activity. Obviously, the respiratory chain depends on breathing. Therefore, if the breathing does not go well, the chain does not work.


It would be like a machine that is not well lubricated. What factors facilitate good breathing?

Certain levels of humidity, few oxidants, few polutos ... All this facilitates that there is a breathable air more pleasant and more adapted to what we expect. In relation to the individual, all actions aimed at preventing an obstruction of the entry or exit of air will facilitate good breathing.


Is intranasal dryness a problem that usually affects the athlete's quality of life and sports performance?

Intranasal dryness occurs regularly, but there are individuals who do not identify it well.


What is the percentage of athletes with intranasal dryness?

All athletes can have intranasal dryness at any given time. This dryness can become decisive.


¿In what sport situations is this problem more frequent?

Intranasal dryness is more frequent in outdoor sports and in those practiced in extreme conditions due to the competition venue or the weather. Also in those indoor sports that are practiced in facilities where the ventilation is not well modulated, where it is too hot or too cold, or where there is a limitation of humidity.


SIf you are not an elite athlete, can you also suffer from intranasal dryness?

Clear. We have all suffered intranasal dryness at some time. In a theater where ventilation is poorly calibrated, during a cold or very hot day, or when exercising.


How can intranasal dryness affect people with respiratory problems?

The nose is part of the respiratory system, although it is not inside the rib cage. Any inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract sends its messengers to the lower respiratory tract. In those individuals who have a certain sensitivity of the lower airways against such inflammatory processes, the nose sets off the alarm. Therefore, take care of the nose is also take care of the lower respiratory tract and take care of health.


What guidelines do you indicate in the daily life of your patients to prevent or treat intranasal dryness? Is there any protocol about it?

The protocol is to take care of yourself. In the same way that we tell the marathon runners to put Vaseline on their feet to avoid having sores, in the case of intranasal dryness it is necessary to hydrate well that nose that is going to be in contact with an air that must moisten and warm so that it arrives in optimal conditions to the alveolus. Therefore, it is necessary to moisten and keep the mucosa lubricated with products that maintain that hydration during the appropriate time, adapted to the physical activity that is going to be carried out.


More information: http://dermatologia.leti.com/es/nariz-y-labios_1722

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