Intranasal dryness, a common problem in athletes
Letibalm and the CAR collaborate on a research project that highlights the importance of intranasal hydration in sports performance
«Effect of the application of an intranasal moisturizing gel (Letibalm Intranasal Protect®) in the physiological response of the upper respiratory tract to exercise in cold conditions and environmental dryness in athletic subjects »is the title of a study carried out by doctors Franchek Drobnic and Joan Riera, from the Centro de Alto Performance (CAR) of Sant Cugat, which shows that intranasal dryness is a common problem in athletes and can affect their physical performance.
But, why is a correct physiology and functionality of the nose so important?
The nasal mucosa It is a semipermeable and highly sensitive tissue that needs a constant state of hydration to perform its functions correctly. The functions of the nose in breathing are filter the air, absorb gases y warm up and saturate the breathing air with water vapor, in order to optimize the transfer at the alveolocapillary level.
In the study conducted at the facilities of the CAR of Sant Cugat A total of 10 athletes, 9 men and 1 women have participated, physically active and used to performing stress tests in the laboratory.
The 10 athletes were made different tests after applying Letibalm Intranasal Protect and without the application of the product. The subsequent analysis of them was carried out through a subjective evaluation questionnaire. The perception of the effort was evaluated with the Borg scale, subjective method to assess the effort made when executing a physical activity. This scale was proposed and designed by Dr. Gunnar Borg in 1970, and relates the perceived effort of the runner with a value of the numerical scale that oscillates between 0 and 10.
Considerations after using the product
The results of each of the parameters after performing the physical tests with Letibalm Intranasal Protect and comparing them without the use of the product, are indicated below:
• The 100% of athletes:
- Qualified the efficacy of the product between moderate and high.
- Qualified the improvement of the general state of the intranasal mucosa between light and high and an 90% between moderate and high.
- He perceived a feeling of well-being and comfort between high and moderate.
• One 50% of athletes I still noticed this feeling of well-being and comfort at the 60 minutes of its application.
• The 100% of athletes would be willing to use the product in training (predisposition between light and high).
Athletes, after using Letibalm Intranasal Protect, perceived less effort in physical exercise (Borg scale; statistically significant differences, p <0,05).
• All athletes after undergoing physical tests and using Letibalm Intranasal Protect, manifested a improvement in the intranasal area in terms of hydration, protection and tightness.
• The use of the Letibalm Intranasal Protect gel offers a Beneficial feeling with respect to subjective nasal breathing, real and consistent among athletes.
• Letibalm Intranasal Protect offers a high feeling of well-being and comfort and does not cause any kind of discomfort.
• The general efficacy and improvement of the general state of the intranasal mucosa after the use of the product, has been very well valued by all athletes. All athletes participating in the study expressed their willingness to use the product in their daily workouts.
• Most of the athletes studied refer to a lower effort perception when they use Letibalm Intranasal Protect under the conditions of the study.
• The product has been very well tolerated.
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