Treatment in tendon injuries in triathletes
Treatment in tendon injuries in triathletes
In a first article our collaborator Fisiocos told us how prevent tendon injuries in triathletes. In this second article he tells us how to treat an injury.
The treatment of a tendinosis it should be aimed at correcting the biomechanics of the sporting gesture, increasing the capacity for regeneration in the tendon and preparing the tendon for the activity to which it is being subjected. In the Advanced Unit of Sports Recovery this is the method we follow:
- Analysis and assessment of causes
- Implementation of prevention measures
- Neurophysiological reorganization
- EPI Guided combined with eccentric directed work
- Alicamentosis
Neurophysiological reorganization
Specific pattern of neuromuscular and biomechanical exercises accompanied by Neuro-Orthopedic Manual Therapy. With the aim of restoring correct joint biomechanics, control and neuromuscular recruitment.
Example of a neuromuscular exercise FNR-running
Intratissue Guided Percutaneous Electrolysis
With this work we activate the biological mechanisms of fibroblasts for the synthesis of collagen fibers and extracellular elements.
Percutaneous intratissular electrolysis uses a galvanic current that breaks down salt and water as it passes through the body and forms sodium hydroxide (organic bleach). This organic bleach destroys the fibrous tissue found in the tendon.
The biological effect produced by percutaneous intratissular electrolysis is basically to guarantee the inflammatory response necessary for the repair of tissues.
Photograph of an appliance for intracutaneous percutaneous electrolysis (EPI)
Eccentric controlled work
For the complete rearmonization of the tissue we can transmit an adequate mechano-transduction of the intracellular signal of the tendon working in controlled eccentric overload.
Photograph showing the performance of the exercises in eccentric overload with isoimpial Versapulley machine
Photograph showing an eccentric overload exercise for the quadriceps and patellar tendon with the Russian belt "Muscle brace"
Food guideline with micronutrients tissue builders, together with ph stabilizer foods with the aim of creating a medium as favorable as possible to the mechanisms of regeneration.
Ferran Mirror
Director Advanced Unit Sports Recovery
FNR method
Hypopressive Method
Regenerative therapies
Visceral neuromyostatics
National Trainer Athletics
High performance specialist physiotherapist
Sport Research and Development in Women Athletic Sport
Running Therapy Center