Cycling training in winter by Victory Endurance

Our collaborator Victory Endurance tells us in this article some examples for cycling training in winter



Alberto Cebollada, tells us in this article how to optimize training and be more specific. For this, he recommends that in each period throughout the season or every so often 6, 8 weeks), you do a simple FIELD TEST.


This test will serve to verify your level of performance, the improvements obtained and optimize the pulse zones of training. 


First determine a distance of 5 km. or 10 minutes of pedaling without interruption. You can do it on a slope of an 5% or on a straight line but the important thing is that you are rested and the external variables are always as homogeneous as possible (rain, wind ...). Always and exactly the same route.

  • Start from a standstill and in less than 1 'you must get the rhythm that you will be able to maintain during those 10'.
  •  Do not start too fast because you will pay for the anaerobic effort.
  •  Keep a pace as high as you can and without interruptions, without getting out of the saddle.
  •  At the end of the interval write down all the verifiable data: average speed, average pulsations, sensations, watts, cadence ...
  •  Rest 10' by pedaling smoothly and re-perform the same interval of 10 minutes. Rewrite all the data.
  •  Calculate the average number of beats between both intervals and on this value establish the percentages of work that I guide you below.



1 Base Aerobic Work:

  • During 6-8 weeks you will have to carry out extensive basic work pedaling hours between 60% at the beginning of the season and 85% at the end of the general preparatory, of the average pulsations of the test.
  • This is very important because the higher the basic training at low pulsations the greater the base on which the subsequent intense work will be based and the better results you will obtain later.
  • You must increase the time or km. of pedaling from one week to another and from one month to another ...
  • In the departures in group you must never pass of that 85% according to test or of the 80% of your Fc. Max.
  • As they are sessions of low intensity you can intersperse them without problems with trainings on foot, swimming and gym.
  • From these gentle sessions you can do two a week that can be complemented with the other type of sessions that I describe below.
  • A good resource is to make two (and even 3 sessions in the specific period) of this type in a row, since it has been shown to be a very profitable training provided you respect a subsequent rest proportional to the summative load made.

2 Spinning sessions:

A good resource for being able to pedal with a flywheel, which allows you to improve your pedaling technique by facilitating movement and working with high cadences (always above 100), pedaling fast helps to improve pedaling efficiency. Avoid pedaling excessively while standing on the pedals, it is a resource widely used by monitors and in the winter months it does not suit us, do not enter anaerobic work avoid going over 80% of the Fc. Max.

3 Force Intervals on the bicycle:

  • It's a great way to transfer the strength you get from working out in the gym to the specific form required when pedaling. You can start this job if you have been on the bike for a minimum of 8 weeks of aerobic work and have strong knees.
  • Once a week, perform 2-3 minute intervals on a 5% slope at a low cadence of 50-60 strokes / minute, with the large chainring and small crowns.
  • Without getting up from the saddle, apply the maximum force required with each pedal stroke. The pulse is not decisive, if muscle fatigue.
  • Rest half the time spent in the interval and repeat 3,5 times.

4 Rhythm Training:

Improves the Aerobic system in its upper section, develops aerobic power. One of the variables that increase performance is the increase in maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max.), Which will depend on the improvement of the transport of O2 by the circulatory system, and its absorption and use at the muscular level, aspects that are achieved with this type of training.

This type of sessions can be started at the end of February or after 8 weeks of base work. Do not hurry to introduce them.

Once a week, he makes a series of 30'- 45'-60' at a constant rate around the 85-90% according to the average pulse of the test. The recommended cadence is around 80, 90 pedalada, you must focus on the application of force on the pedal, going coupled in the competition position and perform it without interruptions, do not get out of the saddle, the climbs you must face with a further development easy.


This type of work is the previous step to the most intense workouts of the specific preparatory period.


Remember that these guidelines are general recommendations on bicycle training that each of us must adapt to their characteristics, interests, objectives, time availability etc ...

If we carry out each of the training sessions according to an objective and we are clear about the reason why we do it according to the planning of the season, it will mean optimizing and making the most of our fans.

An easy way to progress would be to do one of the hardest workouts in each of the disciplines every week. First you do the longest (you run, pedal longer or more distance ...) increasing by 10% of the load per week, then you do more number of intervals or rhythm changes, or more number of series (+ 1, 2 at week), and finally more intense (increase speed and with it your bpm.).

Remember that each 3 or 4 weeks you should make a download or rest easier (running less and more smooth ...) to allow regeneration and improve.


There are no previous results.

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