Volcano Triathlon
Training articles

5 Keys to lower your mark in Marathon

Many times we are stuck in a marathon brand, because we always do the same type of training, or, we are diesel runners that only devour kilometers and kilometers.



Well, incorporating these routines to your training, and, you will find an improvement in your marathon times



Possibly one of the best exercises to improve the explosive speed that marathoners have. With this exercise the leg acquires more power and musculature


For example, look for a slope of 100 m with an 5-7% slope and do the following routine:


Perform two sets of 6 repetitions, incremental, finishing the last 2 at maximum intensity and recovering in the descent between repetitions and 3 'between each series.


Short series

They are the usual series that are made to improve speed, we propose the following:

  • 6 × 400 ma maximum intensity, rec 3 '
  • 4 × 600 ma maximum intensity rec 2 '


Long series

These series, oriented to long distance, are also a good incentive to improve the speed in a test of this type

  • 3 × 2000, rec 3 'walking
  • 6 × 1000, rec 3 'walking



That is, make changes in rhythm during training. The fartlek consists of running a certain time making changes of pace established in advance.


For example, do this routine 3 times (1 'light rhythm + 1' intense rhythm + 1 'strong rhythm + 1' medium rhythm + 1 'sprint rhythm)


Fartlek To the Ground

It's another kind of Fartlek training, where the unevenness is the main character. Are used the ramps and the climbs of the route to make an explosive effort, the slopes down are made in a controlled manner, and the flat areas are used to recover.


Ángel Moncada, Triathlon Senior Coach

If you want information about custom workouts, visit this page

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