10 basic tips for cyclists on the road

Prudence and respect are essential to improve safety when we meet a cyclist on the road or in the city.
Mapfre tells us ten tips to improve the coexistence between vehicles and cyclists.
Drivers of vehicles and cyclists share the same environment, they have to understand each other and circulate together safely. From the driver's point of view, it is essential to respect the integrity of cyclists and follow certain safety guidelines that will improve coexistence and reduce the stress produced by some situations between car and bike. We offer you ten tips to follow to increase safety in these situations.
Driving advice between car and bicycle
1 - Keep in mind that cyclists are also road users with the same right to use it than any other vehicle.
2 - Bicycles are slow vehicles, therefore, slow down whenever you see a cyclist in your path. Even if the rider circulates on the shoulder and there is plenty of space to pass (mandatory minimum of 1,5 meters away), it is better to brake and overtake with little speed difference, to avoid surprises (more cyclists than expected, changes of direction of the cyclist ...), as well as to avoid unbalanced by the turbulences that the car creates in its path.
3 - Do not overtake another vehicle when a cyclist comes in the opposite direction Even if I drive on the shoulder, is prohibited and is punishable. Just think of the face that you would have if you were the cyclist and a car coming in the opposite direction invades your lane.
To advance a group of cyclists you will need more space and time, be patient and look for a safe moment.
4 - In the event that the opposite lane is separated by a continuous lineBy prohibiting overtaking, it is allowed to overtake a cyclist provided that due to the speed at which the cyclist is traveling, it can be overtaken without risk to him or to the circulation in general. Here common sense is necessary and avoid overtaking in grades, curves without visibility or when another vehicle comes in the opposite direction.
5 - In the city, keep in mind the new lanes shared with bicycles limited to 30 km / h. Respect the bike lanes and watch carefully when your lane and bike lane intersect.
6 - If you overtake one or more cyclists in the urban environment, monitor the rear-view mirrors, it is possible that they reach you at crossings, traffic lights or traffic jams. Especially watch if you plan to change direction, enter a garage or park.
7 - Do not hit a cyclist if you can not overtake him. If you get too close, you will distract their attention and will cause driving errors and unforeseen behaviors. Leave a safe distance, be patient and wait for the right moment to advance safely.
In the city, there is a growing number of cyclists.
8 - Remember that, according to the traffic code, cyclists have priority over motor vehicles. In crossings, changes of direction or in roundabouts have preference and you must let them pass. The reason for this rule is because a motor vehicle can brake and accelerate more quickly, therefore, giving preference to the slow vehicle slows down less circulation.
9 - On weekends and holidays, caution increases on secondary and mountain roads, as the presence of cyclists increases. If you are certain that cyclists tend to circulate on the road you travel, reduce your speed to avoid having to brake.
10 - Try the bicycle for your short trips and even medium distance depending on the physical state. Your health and well-being will thank you.
Further information: http://www.motor.mapfre.es/consejos-practicos