Do you know the differences between hypoxia workouts?

We have all heard about the benefits of training in hypoxia, but we will see the differences between the so-called "training mask" and the simulated altitude training methods.

Our collaborator Reebok Performance tell us in this article what are the main differences between these types of workouts in Hypoxia

First in the price there is a big difference, from 50 to 100 euros of the training mask at a minimum price of 3.000 - 4.000 euros for the simplest compressors of normobaric hypoxia. But the most important change is the effect they produce in the body.

Training mask

The training mask produces a limitation to absorb oxygen, but also a excess of CO2 (hypercapnia) because it is difficult to eliminate this and this in turn it can cause a decrease in oxygen saturation, but always uncontrolled. However, hypoxia machines do not produce any type of excess CO2 and only limit the amount of oxygen that we can absorb.

Hypoxia machines

Reebok Performance Center Training

The hypoxia machines they have regulators in order to get the adequate oxygen concentration (height) and this is simply a means to reduce oxygen saturation, since this is really the goal and benefit of hypoxia.

The benefits of hypoxia are not achieved until the saturations descend at least at 92% values and the greater these better results. However in a recent study valuing the benefits of the masks did not get lower values ​​of an 93% doing very demanding workouts with them.

This same study concludes that the training masks are not altitude simulators but instruments to train the respiratory musculature.


  • The advertising of these brands is often misleading and there few scientifically proven benefits (improvement of lung volume, resistance of respiratory muscles, improvements in recovery in repeated sprints)
  • There are no improvements in aspects related to oxygen transport and the benefits for endurance sports are very limited, while simulated height training does have a solid scientific basis.
  • Possibly it is more useful to use a specific apparatus for respiratory muscle training to obtain more benefits than training mask due to its ability to adjust

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