Volcano Triathlon
Training articles

How to channel the emotions of the competition 2º part. The breath, a great ally.

Our collaborator Xavi Méndez suggests in this article how to learn to use the breath to channel emotions that we suffer in the competition.



I open the post retrieving this paragraph from previous article. "The challenges that we propose, can cause us pressures, tensions, with direct results that are perceptible and imperceptible (if we pay attention, sensitive to being discovered) in our body".


I invite you to discover or rediscover breathing as a tool and the practical use it has in training. Have you noticed that we try to maintain a slow and deep breathing before the starting gun? We do this consciously because we know that it helps us lower the heart rate and in turn, gives us temperance before the challenge.


The respiratory patterns are in the autonomic nervous system (in the hypothalamus) and are responsible for regulating the vegetative functions, temperature, circulation, digestion, etc ... There is also the center that controls the emotional states.


Interestingly, breathing is the only process that is part of the vegetative nervous system that we can consciously control and acts as the communicator bridge of involuntary and voluntary systems.


Pay attention to your breathing while reading the post What is it like? What part notes that is inflated in the trunk? How is your position? Does it help to have a fluid breath? How is the rhythm? Is there any effort? Is there a blockage?


The answers may vary depending on whether we are reading something that we want, that we think we will like, or on the contrary because we are reading something that we do not like or that we do not like. Why? the key is found in emotions, they set the tone for how we feel what we read.


The information of how our breathing is in moments of euphoria, fear, anxiety, joy, excitement, passion etc ... It will help us to know ourselves better. Consciously changing the breath and taking us to a different state than we are, is a powerful weapon to channel emotions during the competition.


You can investigate and discover what your breathing patterns are in the different emotional states. Find an emotion and see what changes occur in the way you breathe. Choose one that gives you good feelings, try to extract the maximum details through the questions and repeat with other emotions. Little by little it also includes the emotions with which you flow less.


A good time to start practicing is in the transitions, the pulsations will be lower than in full effort and the breathing will be slower. Observe yourself and help your breathing to feel the emotion that gives you the maximum energy and help you to get to the next segment with great efficiency.


In short, breathing is in the vegetative nervous system where it shares space, among others, with emotions. Theoretically it is autonomous but we can modify it voluntarily.


Breathing and emotions go hand in hand, thanks to the knowledge we have in our breathing we can change our emotional state.


In training and competition, it will involve work from here and now, and that will help you to get away from the negative thoughts that may arise.


Do you want to know more to channel your emotions?


A greeting.

Xavi Méndez.


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