Volcano Triathlon
Training articles

What is the Threshold data of a stress test? The OHP Medical Center tells us.

We tell you how to interpret these data that are provided in an effort test


 El OHP Medical Center exposes us the most common doubts in the treatment of the data obtained in one of his studies.

On that occasion they explain to us what the thresholds obtained in an effort test are for.

 In an Effort Test, by means of inspiratory to expiratory gas analysis, the Aerobic thresholds (VT1) y anaerobic (VT2).


Numerous studies have found that training performed at an intensity close to aerobic threshold induces an improvement that is shown in higher speed and in greater displacement to the right of the lactate curve.


 This type of training, to intensities close to VT1, it is an adequate stimulus to improve in sedentary subjects. However, greater intensity is necessary in the athlete, which is why it is important to know where the aerobic threshold is located, in order to be able to carry out the training and to undertake the appropriate rhythms.


The performance in long distance races is related to a series of physiological variables such as VO2max, VT2 o anaerobic threshold, career economy, speed associated with maximum oxygen consumption, distribution of the type of muscle fibers, capillary densityr, etc.


However, the career speed corresponding to VT2 appears to predict performance in 10000m competitions at marathon distances fairly accurately in trained subjects. The volume of accumulated training will ultimately determine the possibility of competing for more than 1 hour at high speeds.


Therefore, it is fundamental know the aerobic and anaerobic thresholds for predecir, according to the competition distance, not only the optimal rhythms but also the possible and real brands.

M Jesús Núñez Martí


Further information: OHP Medical Center

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