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Back pain? Exercises for the lower back

El back or lower back pain is one of the most frequent suffering of the population and on many occasions without a seemingly justified cause. Strengthening the abdominal and lumbar area is key to prevent these pains and other pathologies.

There are several studies in recent years that have shown the relationship between physical inactivity and low back pain, or what is the same, Benefits of physical activity to improve and decrease the prevalence of chronic non-specific low back pain.

Sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity cause muscle weakness but also high levels of physical activity without adequate abdominal and lumbar muscles can cause the same symptoms.

Back exercises

Therefore, whatever your case, and as long as you don't have a pathology that should be treated by a specialist, take care of your lower back by practicing the following exercises:

Front iron

Keep your elbows aligned with your shoulders, your back straight and your transverse active (feeling of bringing your belly button back).

Side iron

With the same indications as in the previous exercise, keeping you on one arm. Elevate your hip to align the back


In quadruped, alternate the elevation and stretching of the leg and arm without exceeding the height of your head. Remember to keep the transverse active.

When you manage to master the previous exercises, give movement with these variations:

  • Alternate the support of forearms and hands on the front plate. Keep your hip stable (without side rocking) when you change position
  • Rotate the hip on the side plate with the raised arm under your chest to the opposite side.
  • Lower and raise the hip in side plate
  • Make the superman with support of feet and hands instead of quadruped

 Our recommendation is that you perform these exercises between 3-4 days a week, in sessions of 20-30 minutes and adjusting the intensity and volume of each exercise according to your level.

 17 Core exercises for the back

We propose some isometric exercises, adapted to start from the lowest level and be able to progress to the final position

 Our proposal is based on isometric exercises, adapted to start from the lowest level and to progress to the final position. Before we begin, we give you four basic tips for the correct execution:

 In the following article you can find all core exercises


AlzahraniHMackey M.Stamatakis E.Zadro J.R.Shirley d. The association between physical activity and low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. SciRep. 2019, 9 (1): 8244. 

Gordon R.and bloxham S. A Systematic Review of the Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain. Healthcare (Basel). 2016; 4 (2): 22.

 Laura García Cervantes

Laura García Cervantes
Laura García Cervantes


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