Oatmeal and Chocolate Brownie Recipe for Athletes

If you are a sweet tooth and do not want to lose the line today we leave you a recipe to make at home a Chocolate Brownie for athletes from the hand of Weider Nutrition leading company in the world of sports nutrition and Victory Endurance leading company in Spain in nutrition.


Video recipe


  • 180 gr Flour Gourmeat Oat Flour Flavor Brownlee
  • 20gr yeast
  • 60 gr olive oil
  • 50 gr Pine nuts
  • 50 gr Almonds
  • 2 Bananas
  • 2 eggs

Oat flour Weider Gourmet Oat Flour provides naturally complex carbohydrates and a really low content of sugars. In addition, its high fiber content delays the digestion of its starches and the absorption of glucose in the blood. This quality makes it one of the healthiest ways to consume carbohydrates in your diet.

Weider Gourmet Oat Flour is Source protein of vegetable origin and 100 grams of product provides only 7,1 g of fats and a low content of saturated fats; since its fat is mostly mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Helping you to take care of the line, your health and your heart.

Further information: http://www.tiendaweider.es/

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