Volcano Triathlon
Sports nutrition articles

What are the best foods to avoid injuries?

Our collaborator Fisiocos, tells us in this article which are the best foods to avoid sports injuries.



What we eat not only gives us energy, it also helps us to take care of our body and prevent injuries.


We could say that there are certain foods that are anti-lesions, how onions, garlic and leeks that give us sulfur, essential for the formation of collagen.


Fish rich in fatty acids They intervene in circulatory processes, essential for the functioning of the nervous system and collaborate in the synthesis of collagen.


The jellies which are used among other things for desserts. These jellies come from cartilage and in these there are a lot of chondrocytes that are part of our joints, studies have shown that the intake of collagen and mucopolysaccharides reduces joint pain.


Another important source of these substances are the Marine animals how crustaceans or octopus, squid.


Pineapple It contains a proteolytic enzyme called bromelain that intervenes as an anti-inflammatory substance, and vitamin C, an enzyme needed in tissue repair.


The list is infinite. What you have to keep in mind is that if we do physical exercise is important good hydration, a considerable intake of antioxidants to alleviate the oxidative effects of exercise.


Consume a high percentage of vegetables and fruits it ensures us to have the enzymes in charge of the metabolic processes necessary for life.


It is also necessary to consume meat, fish and vegetables enough to obtain the proteins necessary for tissue formation. Without reaching an excess that would produce intestinal inflammation and decalcification.


Pasta, rice, bread, potato... Carbohydrates necessary for energy intake but without spending on the intake of these foods.


Un excess carbohydrates It is not synonymous with having more accumulated energy.


Carbohydrates are sugars: Excess sugar, demand calcium and magnesium "these are necessary for muscle contraction" so if we run out without them will lower muscle performance. Excess sugar causes irritability of the nervous system.


If this system does not work well, the rest of the systems will hardly work.


Something important when it comes to recover an injury is that the environment is favorable, for this we must avoid food increase the acidity of our blood and consume products that favor the mechanisms of cell repair


Ferran Mirror

Director Advanced Unit Sports Recovery


FNR method

Hypopressive Method

Regenerative therapies

Visceral neuromyostatics

National Trainer Athletics

High performance specialist physiotherapist


Sport Research and Development in Women Athletic Sport


Running Therapy Center

[email protected]



Photo: Runnig.es

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