How many proteins does an athlete need?
Our collaborator Fisiocos tells us what protein needs are necessary for an athlete.
A healthy adult needs 1 gram of protein per kilo. 100 grams of meat 20 gr 100 grams of fish 20 gr 100 grams of legumes 15 gr. The soybean contains some 30 for each 100 gr. 70 gr. From that cured cheese 15 gr 100 gr. Of dried fruits some 15 gr. The peas 20 gr for each 100 gr.
But you can not only consume proteins of animal origin and legumes since fruits and vegetables also have proteins but in less quantity (about 1 gr. Per 100 gr)
To give you an idea, a runner of about 80 Kg needs a few 2.400 calories per day. (6-8 gr per kilo of weight) Carbohydrates should represent around 40% of the diet.
In a person who needs a few 2.400 calories a day equals a few 500 gr. Approximately pasta, rice, bread, potatoes a day.
An example of what foods to eat are pasta, rice, bread, potatoes that have 400-600 gr. (better whole, have slower absorption)