Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Aida Valiño puts on a number again in the "Carreira Popular Romaria Vikinga 10k de Catoira"

“Saleta Casto 1st and Gustavo Rodríguez 2nd in the “Carreira Popular Romaria Vikinga 10k de Catoira”


Today the III Romario Vikinga Popular Race was held in Catoria, Pontevedra, a test chosen by Aida Valiño to go back to put on a race number after being a mother several weeks ago. On this occasion Aida has only run 5k, retiring in the middle of the race since he had some small physical discomforts.

Aida Valiño reappears in the Popular Romaria Viking 10k race

Two other great Galician triathletes have been protagonists, in the female category the victory has been for Saleta Castro with a time of 41: 46, second position for Maria Gonzalez with 42: 26 and third place for Karina Pasarin. As regards the men's test, Gustavo Rodríguez has been second with an 34 record: 41, the victory was for Victor Riobo with 34: 33 and the third position for Álvaro Prieto with 34: 51.

Saltea Castro wins Popular Romaria Viking 10k raceç

As regards Saleta, it should be noted that the preseason is just beginning, in the case of Saleta after Kona 5 has been weeks of rest and only took 10 days training. Case similar to Gustavo, who after win the LD Spain championship of Ibiza is starting to train again.

Saleta and podium photos: Saleta Castro
Photo Aida: Prosport Diffusion Organization

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