Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Triatlon News gives you the possibility to make a Nutritional Dietary Evaluation with promotional price.

Do you know the importance of taking care of and measuring the type of food you eat?

In OHP - Optimal Health & Performace they are, that is why during the month of November all Triathlon News followers offer a special promotion with Nutritional Diet Assessment aimed at knowing how an athlete should eat according to their needs, although it is applicable to society in general, for anyone who wants to take care of themselves.





How is it done?

The Nutritional Diet Assessment, which is carried out by means of a three-day food consumption record, evaluates the quality of the diet (whether or not what you eat meets the needs, percentage of energy provided by carbohydrates, lipids and proteins , quality of ingested iron, current intake of vitamins and minerals, deficit or excess of certain nutrients ...).

Based on this nutritional analysis, a complete report is prepared with all the results and the most appropriate dietary and / or supplementation guidelines are established to improve the quality of the food and sports performance. Normal rate 137 €.During the month of November for all followers of Triathlon News 105 € .

If you want to attend, send an email to [email protected] with your name and phone number and we will contact the clinic so you can attend with this promotional price.

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