The Spanish Triathlon Championship of A Coruña on the loose string
As reported by the Voice of Galicia, today still do not have all the permits for the celebration of the test.
A Coruña will become next Saturday 1 September in the national capital of triathlon, however, due to the delay on the part of the people in charge of the city council in the set-up of the Spanish Triathlon Championship is causing the concern of the Spanish federations and Galician triathlon, who regret that the accumulated delays remain shine and force to fall into the improvisation of a sporting event of the first category.
The three institutions jointly organize the test and it is in this relationship where the federative entities are not finding the collaboration expected by the municipal party.
Although its celebration has been known since last year, eight days after the triathletes took to the streets of the city, there are still significant aspects to be solved, As the permits from the Port Authority for the swimming or development sector to travel some stretch of the walking race, alternative traffic plan by the coincidence with the return operation after the holidays, or what company will take care of the thousand fences that will delimit the route.
Sources of the federative organization consider that these matters should be resolved for months and not continue discussing them now. «There is concern with all this. It does not mean that the celebration of the championship is in danger, but at this point we are covering holes more than anything, "they confirm.
When there is little more than a week left for the competition, the problems that municipal managers and federative entities are dealing with range from the triathletes' journey to the final budget figure, still to be determined.
This is under discussion precisely because of supplies and rentals still up in the air, such as that of the fences, with only a handful of companies with the necessary material to prevent them from tipping over or to hold them in place. BikeThe traffic plan for the two days of competition, which will be implemented mainly by the Local Police, must also be known by the Civil Guard.
The lack of definition in these and other issues has forced still has no date for the presentation of the Spanish Championship, which also supposes a decrease in the potential of attraction that their dispute could suppose for A Coruña. Thus, it is expected that they can be found at the exit Fernando Alarza, runner-up of Europe, and Antonio Serrat, third in the Spanish ranking. However, both prepare the season closing that awaits them the 15 and the 16 of September in Australia, where Alarza will play the bronze world.
Questioned by this wording, the press office of the city council replied that everything is underway within the usual deadlines and schemes.
File photo: Altafulla 2015 | Harold Abellan / FETRI