Carolina Routier returns to training three months after her run over
At the end of last April we received the bad news that Carolina Routier had been run over in Banyoles while she was training, having to be admitted to the Josep Trueta Hospital in Girona.
In the past Edmonton WTS, the Spanish triathlon had three great joys. First the victory of Mario Mola where he started his third world title. Second, the return of Fernando Alarza competing with the best after a few weeks injured. But the greatest joy was seeing there at goal Carolina Routier very recovered after the run over suffered last April.
After the hard accident, the medical part of Carolina It was impressive: Malar fracture, multiple fractures in the ribs, clavicle fracture, scapula complex fracture, traumatic pneumothorax, traumatic hemothorax, pulmonary contusion y knee sprain.
Everyone in the triathlon turned to her, sending encouragement and wishing her a speedy recovery. An example of this was Isora Sosa, who won the Asia Cup of Nepal a few days after Carol suffered the accident and to whom he dedicated his triumph. Later Mario Mola he also won three WTS with Carolina always in memory.
Si Mario Mola has the world "almost" in his hands, where he only needs an eighth place in the Gold Coast Grand Final, a big part of "guilt" is thanks to Carolina Routier. The example of her, her strength to recover from the injuries and the progress she has had in these months have been a driving force for Mario to be stronger every day.
We have contacted Carolina Truck to tell us how recovery is and the return to training.
Hello Carol, first of all, tell you that we are very happy to see you so recovered and that you have already begun to train. How were the first weeks of recovery?
With the support of my family and the joy of seeing the good results of Mario in the Bermuda and Yokohama events, the truth is that the first weeks went by quite quickly.
During the period that I spent in the hospital I felt very supported and that made it without doubt all much more bearable.
And after the operations, how did you start the rehabilitation?
I have been and I am working daily with my physiotherapist Pepe Miota and we have focused mainly on shoulder mobility.
At the same time I was doing breathing exercises to recover lung capacity.
Now how are you?
I am happy and motivated to continue improving and advancing with my injuries. Each day that passes is a new opportunity to be better than the previous one.
When did you start swimming and riding a bike?
Three months after the accident I started to do a stationary bike, since it was recommended for my knee, as well as to get in the water to start moving my arm.
When do you expect to run again?
Gradually I am returning to training and I hope to be working normally with the three disciplines in the next month or month and a half.
And to compete?
In these moments I am focused on recovering well and I do not put a date to return to the competition. Even so, I am doing everything possible to return as soon as possible.
Thank you very much Carol, we hope that everything goes so well and we can see you in competition as soon as possible
Photos courtesy of Carolina Routier
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